Meet The Coaches

Stas Prokofiev

Stas Prokofiev has sold over £3 million of products and services from his laptop. He has also helped many other entrepreneurs build 6-figure plus businesses.

He has acquired over 2500 clients who trust his knowledge, advice and expertise in starting and scaling their online businesses.

Stas has shared his message on stage to thousands and been featured at some of the UK’s leading business and marketing events.

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Why I recommend Stas

I was attracted to work with Stas because he has a built a multi-million dollar / pounds online business over the last 3 years and I was sure that he could guide and mentor me to grow my own successful online business.

And he has, I’m learning loads of killer strategies that I can apply to grow my business and its very apparent that Stas is an expert in online marketing and he knows how to apply all that knowledge in practical, profitable strategies.

But there is another, more fundamental reason why Stas is so successful. It’s not something I’ve ever heard him talk about, it’s not in his book (which I recommend you read btw), it’s not in any of his marketing material either.

Stas puts his clients first!
That is evidenced and apparent by his actions. He goes above and beyond. His focus is on the success of his clients, he is genuinely concerned and focused on his clients’ results. And Stas and his clients are getting the rewards as a result.

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Is Stas the right coach for you?

You should consider working with Stas and his team if you are starting or building an online e-learning business (Online courses, Coaching, Consulting, Memberships).

Stas teaches dozens of killer strategies you can apply in your online business and get incredible growth. Each has real world examples, not just theory but exactly how each strategy works in practice.

Stas’s coaching style is highly effective. He has the ability to distill complex concepts into easily digestible information, making it accessible for entrepreneurs at all levels of experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced business owner, Stas can adapt his teaching to your needs.

Stas doesn’t just offer advice and leave you to fend for yourself. He provides ongoing support, helping you implement the strategies and tactics he recommends. This hands-on approach ensures that you’re not just learning theory but also applying it to your business.

Stas is all about results. He focuses on practical strategies that drive growth and revenue. If you’re looking for a coach who can help you achieve measurable success in your online business, Stas Prokofiev is an excellent choice.

However, Stas’s coaching is most effective for those who are willing to take action. If you’re committed to putting in the effort and implementing his recommendations, you’ll see significant results.

Click the button to book a free introductory coaching call (absolutely no obligation).

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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well, I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor”

— Denzel Washington

Paul Murphy

Paul has been a marketer for 20 years, starting his first online business in 2002. In the last five years, Paul has pulled all that experience together and developed an amazing marketing system that has earned him a double “Two Comma Club” award winner, generating over 2 million dollars in sales using his YouTube system.

And what’s really interesting is that he’s achieving millions in sales without spending money on Ads.
Paul regularly appears on the affiliate leader boards for many of the top digital marketing brands, and many of the products he promotes using his “Free Google Ads” system are generating him multiple six figures.

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Why I recommend Paul

For a marketer, YouTube represents one of the best opportunities for you to get new customers, nurture your online community, and increase your business revenue.
YouTube is the Number 1 video site in the world, the 2nd largest search engine, and continues to grow at a rapid rate!

A lot of marketers are spending their money on Facebook/Google Ads trying to reach their buyers.

A few years ago, that worked very well, but with Facebook/Google ad costs rising every year, it’s become very expensive.

If you have a large budget, Facebook/Google will be able to find those buyers for you, but most people don’t have a big enough budget to make that work.
This is why Paul’s YouTube system of reaching buyers is so amazing
He just places his videos on YouTube for free, and years later they are still there, reaching new buyers every single day.
On top of that he is outselling others who are spending a small fortune on paid ads. To reiterate, Paul system doesn’t require any ad spend.

When I first saw Paul’s system, I was literally blown away. Not just because of the power, but I could see how simple it is to implement.

And, unlike paid ads, you can test Paul’s system for little or no cost.

Paul gets my highest recommendation because he is one of the most genuine and generous mentors I’ve ever worked with and his YouTube marketing system flat out works.

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Is Paul the right coach for you?

Unfortunately, most of the time you can’t be can’t hire Paul as a coach because of the authority he’s built with his YouTube marketing system there is a backlog of people wanting to work directly with him.

But the great thing is Paul has built all of his knowledge and ‘magic funnel’ systems into his private “Gold Membership” which includes absolutely everything he teaches his private clients.
So, you can just go in there and you can choose whatever part of the process you need to work on. For instance, if you’re working on your Landing Page or your Opt-in page or if you want to make better videos, it’s all in there.

And to support your implementation, because that is the biggest challenge for most people, Paul provides weekly group coaching where you can literally ask Paul any marketing questions you have.

So, if you are tired of paying for expensive ads that do not deliver and you need to reach a super targeted audience, driving them direct to your products and services with free, targeted evergreen traffic on Google and YouTube. then Paul’s Gold Membership is designed specifically to help you get results fast by claiming your first free Google ads.

And the great thing is that your first two weeks are completely free.

To get started, Click the button and you’ll be able to start driving 100% free targeted traffic to your business today.

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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you” 

— Bob Proctor

John Assaraf

John Assaraf is the founder and CEO of NeuroGym, a company dedicated to using the most advanced technologies and evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals achieve their full potential and maximize their results.

John is a self-made entrepreneur and brain scientist who has trained thousands of people to dramatically increase their ability to improve every area of their life and career.

John has built 5 multi-million-dollar companies, written 2 New York Times bestselling books and featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit
“The Secret” and “Quest for Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.

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Why I recommend John

His mission is to really make a positive impact in the lives of others and he is truly one of the most genuine and kind mentors you could ever meet.

If you haven’t experienced John Assaraf’s training before, then the Brain-A-Thon FREE weekly training session is a great place to start.

As well as the training, the event showcases his flagship program, “Winning the Game of Money” and features case studies from past students and their success stories.

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Is John the right coach for you?

For many people in business, it’s not really a lack of knowledge or marketing skills that holds them back.

More often, it is their own mindset, limiting beliefs, and deeply ingrained habits that are the biggest obstacles to their success.

John is especially great with helping coaches, consultants, speakers, digital marketers, small business owners, & entrepreneurs.

So, if you would like to learn The Most Powerful New Techniques to Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs, Fears, or Self-Esteem Issues That Are Holding You Back From Achieving Your Financial Goals and Dream Life,
Then Click this button and
check out this FREE class from John and his team of brain experts.

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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE copy of John’s new eBook, “The Millionaire Mindset”
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“Invest in your brain, invest in your talents. Those things can appreciate, and they get better as you get older”  

— Rashida Jones

Ryan Deiss

If you have been looking at Digital Marketing to grow your business then you’ve most likely heard of Ryan Deiss.

Ryan is a bestselling author, founder of multiple companies collectively employing hundreds around the globe, and one of the most dynamic speakers on marketing in the world today.

Ryan is the founder and CEO of and the author of two bestselling marketing books:

The Invisible Selling Machine details Ryan’s blueprint for Sales funnels, automation and email marketing.
Ryan is also the co-author of the book, Digital Marketing for Dummies.

Ryan is also the founder and host of the Traffic and Conversion Summit, the largest digital marketing conversion conference in North America.

…so, he knows a thing or two about marketing and selling online.

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Why I recommend Ryan

Deiss is the genius behind Digital Marketer, one of the most popular marketing websites in the world today.

Digital Marketer offers premium courses and software including free digital marketing guides and tutorials.
Playbooks and courses cost anywhere between $20 and $500.
Digital Marketer also offers on-demand workshops geared towards digital marketing practitioners.

These carefully designed workshops examine a variety of techniques and methods that have been effective for other marketing professionals, where you can get helpful tips as you go along the training.

You can choose from 27 on-demand workshops, starting at $295.
They also offer Digital Marketer Certifications and Courses.

The Digital Marketer courses explore a broad range of marketing subjects, including Content Marketing, Search Marketing, Email Marketing, Copywriting, Digital Marketing, SEO, social media and Ecommerce

You can choose from a total of 12 accredited training courses. Prices start at $495.
Digital Marketer offers comprehensive checklists, otherwise known as Playbooks, whether you’re creating new campaigns or maximizing your sales copy.

Ryan’s Playbooks are a cross between step-by-step guides and checklists.

On their website, you will find 36 Playbooks which cost $27 each.

However, what I recommend is that you take advantage of their low-cost Membership program called Digital Marketer Lab, which gives you access to all of the workshops, courses and playbooks for a set monthly fee.

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Is Ryan the right coach for you?

If you’re a beginner looking for a place to start, or an experienced marketer looking to level up your skills, Digital Marketer Lab comes with everything today’s marketer needs, including: up-to-date courses, proven step-by-step playbooks, and a community of over 10,000 peers.

What I love about Ryan Deiss is that he is a hands-on marketer who understands the fast-paced nature of the marketing industry.
Ranking on Google was once an easy thing, and paid ads were less expensive than a cup of coffee.

But that’s all changed and today, more than ever, we all need access to a marketing expert like Ryan.

If you want to level up your marketing skills, Digital Marketer Lab is a great place to start.

You’ll get a variety of marketing tools, including swipe files and training templates. You also get access to all of the courses and certifications, Workshops, Playbooks and access to a private Facebook Group.

Digital Marketer Lab costs $95 a month.

Are Ryan Deiss and Digital Marketer Lab Worth It?

It’s a resounding big YES!

The free resources alone are incredible. I’ve been a member of Digital Marketer Lab for a number of years and consider it an invaluable resource.

Click the Button to check out Digital Marketer Lab using the 14-day FREE trial

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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do. If you’ve got talents, no one can take them from you”  

— Warren Buffett

Sean Cannell

In the vast and ever-evolving world of online marketing, video content has emerged as a dominant force. For those aspiring to build a successful online business, leveraging the power of video marketing is crucial. Enter Sean Cannell, the CEO of Think Media, a renowned figure in the world of YouTube coaching and mentoring. With his wealth of knowledge, experience, and a proven track record, Sean Cannell is a top choice for anyone seeking guidance in the realm of video marketing.
Sean Cannell has walked the talk. He built his own successful YouTube channel, Think Media, from the ground up. With millions of subscribers and views, his channel serves as a testament to his expertise in video marketing. Sean doesn’t just teach theories; he imparts practical knowledge gained through years of hands-on experience.

One of Sean’s standout qualities is his ability to cover every facet of video marketing comprehensively. Whether it’s content creation, video editing, channel optimization, or audience engagement, Sean provides detailed insights into every aspect. His approach ensures that his students have a well-rounded understanding of what it takes to succeed on YouTube.

The digital world evolves rapidly, and keeping up with the latest trends and strategies is essential. Sean Cannell stays at the forefront of industry changes and regularly updates his teachings to reflect these shifts. This commitment to staying current ensures that his students are always equipped with the most relevant information.

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Why I recommend Sean

As we all know, building an online business can be a lonely endeavor, but Sean Cannell’s coaching programs foster a sense of community among his students. His coaching often includes access to private groups and forums where like-minded individuals can connect, collaborate, and support each other.

Another aspect of Sean coaching that I like is his emphasis on ethical and sustainable practices in video marketing. He doesn’t endorse shortcuts or gimmicks that could harm your long-term reputation. Instead, he promotes strategies that build trust and authenticity with your audience, which is essential for lasting success.

Sean’s commitment to education doesn’t stop at his coaching programs. He’s authored books and continues to create valuable free content on YouTube and other platforms. This means you can continue learning from him even if you’re not enrolled in a paid program.

In conclusion, Sean Cannell, the CEO of Think Media, stands as an exceptional YouTube coach and mentor for those looking to excel in the world of online business through video marketing. His combination of expertise, comprehensive knowledge, accessible teaching style, and commitment to ethical practices make him a standout choice. Moreover, the success stories of his students and his dedication to staying up-to-date with industry changes reinforce his position as a leading authority in this field.

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Is Sean the right coach for you?

I’m a member of Sean Cannell’s Video Ranking Academy (VRA) and I love his content and his accessible teaching style.

Sean has a unique talent for breaking down complex concepts into simple, actionable steps. His teaching style is easy to understand, making it accessible for beginners and experienced content creators alike. He’s known for explaining technical jargon in a way that doesn’t overwhelm, making learning enjoyable.

Sean has hundreds of successful students in his VRA program. The success of Sean’s students speaks volumes about his coaching prowess. Many individuals and businesses mentored by Sean have gone on to achieve remarkable success on YouTube and in the broader online business space. These success stories serve as concrete evidence of his ability to guide others towards their goals.

Sean Cannell covers a wide range of topics within video marketing, making his coaching suitable for various niches and industries. Whether you’re in fitness, fashion, technology, or any other field, his guidance can be tailored to your specific needs.

If you’re looking for a mentor to help you navigate the challenging world of video marketing, Sean Cannell is a coach who can truly make a difference in your online business journey.

Ultimately, what sets Sean apart is his results-driven approach. He doesn’t just teach for the sake of teaching; he teaches with the goal of helping his students achieve tangible results. Whether your aim is to grow your audience, increase revenue, or build a brand, Sean provides the tools and guidance to make it happen.

Watch this Free Class and you will learn:
• The 3 RELIABLE video ideas guaranteed to get views
• The most PREDICTABLE ways to make passive income on each of these videos
• The NEWEST tactics for growing your YouTube channel based on YouTube’s most recent updates
• The secret for getting CRAZY results that the typical YouTube creator would never guess
• How creators of all different channel sizes and in all different niches are using these videos to grow their online businesses.



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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“Fearlessly embrace new technologies, learn new things, and demonstrate a willingness to invest in yourself.”

— Germany Kent

Russell Brunson

Most people associate Russell Brunson with Sales funnels and as the co-founder of a software company called ClickFunnels.
But he is much more than that. Russell is one of the best online marketers in the world.

His knowledge of marketing fundamentals is derived from years of testing, and being a student of brilliant marketing experts like Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazier, Tony Robbins, Ryan Deiss, Mike Filsaime and many others.

For nearly 20 years now, Russell has been starting and scaling companies online. He owns a software company, a supplement company, a coaching company, and is one of the top super affiliates in the world.
Russell is also the author of three bestselling marketing books that have sold over 400,000 copies.

Russell is also the founder and host of Funnel Hacking live.

Each year, thousands of entrepreneurs come together for four days of the best marketing and online sales training in the world.

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Why I recommend Russell

Russell is a marketing genius. His strategies for driving traffic, converting leads, and maximizing profits are tried and tested. He’s not just a theorist; he’s someone who has successfully implemented these strategies in his own businesses.

Many of the business coaches and mentors that I recommend are also students of Russell’s and pay large sums to be part of his ‘Masterclasses’.

Russell understands that the online business landscape is ever-evolving. He continuously adapts his strategies to stay ahead of the curve. This quality is invaluable in a mentor, as it ensures that you’re learning the most up-to-date strategies that are relevant in today’s fast-paced digital world.

And being a part of Russell’s community and attending events like Funnel Hacking Live can be a game-changer for your online business. The networking opportunities and connections you make can open doors to collaborations and partnerships that you might not find elsewhere.

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Is Russell the right coach for you?

I advise anyone that is serious about building a successful online business to become a student of Russell Brunson. You can start by just reading his best-selling marketing books.

His 3 books “DotCom Secrets”, “Expert Secrets” and “Traffic Secrets” provide invaluable insights into the world of digital marketing and sales funnels. Russell believes in transparency and doesn’t hold back when it comes to sharing what works and what doesn’t in the online business world.

If you’re just starting your journey into the world of online business, Russell is an excellent coach. He simplifies complex concepts, making them accessible to beginners. His step-by-step approach can help you lay a strong foundation for your online business.

And if you want to build marketing systems then any businesses that wants to promote products online will benefit from the power and convenience of ClickFunnels.

It does not matter if you are selling online courses, consulting services or physical products. ClickFunnels is designed to convert strangers into customers via time-tested sales funnels.

Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or have a small team, Russell’s strategies are designed for scalability. If your goal is to grow your business and reach a larger audience, his coaching can help you achieve that.

Russell’s coaching is known for providing clarity and direction. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of online business or unsure of your next steps, Russell can help you map out a clear path to success.

Russell’s coaching and the ClickFunnels platform come with a cost, but for those serious about their online business, it’s an investment that can yield substantial returns. If you’re willing to invest in your education and business growth, working with Russell is a great option.


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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself.”

— Grant Cardone

Mike Filsaime

Mike Filsaime is known for pioneering innovative marketing systems that have had a significant impact on the industry. His work has often been at the forefront of online marketing trends, making him an invaluable resource for those looking to stay ahead of the curve. He has a knack for identifying emerging opportunities and developing strategies to capitalize on them, which can be a game-changer for aspiring entrepreneurs.

With over two decades of experience, he has witnessed the evolution of digital marketing firsthand. This wealth of experience equips him with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that entrepreneurs face in the online world.

As the CEO of Groove Digital, Mike Filsaime oversees a platform that offers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools and solutions. This ecosystem includes website builders, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and more. By providing a one-stop-shop for marketers, he simplifies the process of managing and growing an online business.

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Why I recommend Mike

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Is Mike the right coach for you?

Mike Filsaime’s track record speaks volumes about his ability to help others succeed. He has played a pivotal role in launching and scaling numerous successful digital products and businesses. His ventures have generated millions of dollars in revenue, and his ability to replicate this success for himself and others is a testament to his expertise.

Unfortunately, Mike does not provide any personal coaching programs but you can leverage his expertise by using his Groove product suite.

Groove aims to cover everything you’d ever need to thrive in the digital marketing space; from building funnels and landing pages to accessing professional marketing tools.

Essentially, Groove aims to be Your FREE All-In-One Platform that includes everything needed to sell products and services online.

The Groove platform really has a lot to offer digital marketers and entrepreneurs. First off, it brings all the tools you need into a single suite – standing as a comprehensive alternative to software products such as ClickFunnels, Kartra, Wix, WordPress, Zoom, Zendesk, Funnelytics, and many others.

To support all that functionality, Groove provides free training in their Digital academy and they offer real time training multiple days per week with replays available after.

There is also a massive e-learning library and a Facebook community of over 126,000 members.

So, I’m sure you’re asking, what does all that functionality and training cost?
Well incredibly, Groove is Free!

That’s right, your account is free for life. There is no 7-, 14-, or 30-Day trial, which is what you usually get with these products.

They don’t even ask for a credit card and you get access to ALL the apps on the platform.

However, with the free plan there are limits to each app, but that’s more than enough for most people to get started on building their online business.

CLICK THE BUTTON to claim your FREE Groove Account

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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“Personal development is a major time saver. The better you become, the less time it takes you to achieve your goals.” 

— Brian Tracy

Matt Leitz

In the rapidly evolving landscape of online businesses, staying ahead of the curve often means leveraging the latest technological advancements. AI, automation, and chatbots have emerged as powerful tools to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and boost profitability. Matt Leitz, CEO of BotBuilders, is a seasoned expert in this field, and his insights and guidance can be invaluable to anyone seeking to harness these technologies for their online business.
One of the standout qualities that make Matt Leitz an exceptional coach is his extensive knowledge and experience in AI and automation. With a background in computer science and years of practical involvement in the field, Matt possesses a deep understanding of how these technologies can be applied to various industries. His expertise ranges from designing complex automated systems to developing AI-driven solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Chatbots have become an integral part of online businesses, serving as virtual assistants, customer support agents, and sales representatives. Matt Leitz has a proven track record of creating effective chatbot solutions that drive engagement and conversions. His in-depth knowledge of natural language processing and conversational AI allows him to design chatbots that not only respond to user queries but also create meaningful interactions.

For entrepreneurs seeking to enhance customer engagement and automate routine tasks, Matt’s guidance on chatbot development is invaluable. His ability to teach the art of crafting chatbot conversations that resonate with customers can significantly improve user satisfaction and ultimately drive business growth.

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Why I recommend Matt

Matt Leitz’s coaching style is renowned for its practicality. He doesn’t just provide theoretical knowledge; he ensures that his students can apply what they learn to their specific business contexts. This hands-on approach is crucial when dealing with technologies as dynamic as AI and automation. Matt’s guidance helps entrepreneurs bridge the gap between theory and implementation, making it easier to put AI-powered strategies into practice.

By offering real-world case studies and actionable steps, Matt ensures that his mentees are well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities that arise in the realm of AI, automation, and chatbots.

Building a successful online business using AI, automation, and chatbots is an ongoing journey. Matt Leitz understands this and provides continuous support to his mentees. Whether through regular check-ins, updates on the latest advancements, or troubleshooting assistance, Matt ensures that his students have a reliable source of guidance throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

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Is Matt the right coach for you?

For anyone looking to incorporate AI and automation into their online businesses, having a mentor like Matt can save them precious time and resources. His ability to demystify complex concepts and provide actionable insights ensures that his students gain a solid foundation in these technologies, setting them on the path to success.

Matt Leitz’s coaching style is renowned for its practicality. He doesn’t just provide theoretical knowledge; he ensures that his students can apply what they learn to their specific business contexts. This hands-on approach is crucial when dealing with technologies as dynamic as AI and automation. Matt’s guidance helps entrepreneurs bridge the gap between theory and implementation, making it easier to put AI-powered strategies into practice.

By offering real-world case studies and actionable steps, Matt ensures that his mentees are well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities that arise in the realm of AI, automation, and chatbots.

I believe Matt is an outstanding coach for anyone looking to harness the power of AI, automation, and chatbots to build a successful online business. His vast expertise, practical approach, and emphasis on ethical AI make him a trusted mentor in this rapidly evolving field. With Matt’s guidance, entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities of AI-driven strategies, customize solutions to their unique needs, and stay ahead in the competitive world of online business. Matt Leitz is not just a coach; he is a strategic partner in achieving online business success.


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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

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“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.” 

— Tony Robbins

Simon Coulson

In the rapidly evolving world of online business, finding the right mentor and coach can be the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving success. Simon Coulson, the founder of The Internet Business School, stands out as a prominent figure in the industry, offering invaluable guidance and expertise to aspiring entrepreneurs and those looking to expand their online business.

Simon Coulson’s journey into the world of online business is a remarkable one. He began as a BT engineer before venturing into the online realm, where he achieved extraordinary success. Coulson generated millions of pounds in revenue through his e-commerce ventures and has consistently been recognized as one of the UK’s leading internet marketers. His accomplishments serve as a testament to his deep understanding of the digital landscape.

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Why I recommend Simon

⦁ The Internet Business School, founded by Simon Coulson, offers a wide range of training programs and resources designed to cater to individuals at various stages of their online business journey. From beginner-level courses to advanced strategies, Simon ensures that his students receive a well-rounded education that covers all aspects of online business.
⦁ Step-by-Step Guidance: Simon Coulson’s coaching programs provide a structured and easy-to-follow path for budding entrepreneurs. He breaks down complex concepts into manageable steps, making it accessible for individuals with varying levels of experience.
⦁ Practical Knowledge: Simon emphasizes the importance of practical knowledge and real-world application. His courses often include hands-on exercises and case studies, allowing students to learn by doing. This approach ensures that you not only understand the theory but can also implement it effectively.
⦁ Access to Expertise: Through Simon’s programs, students gain access to a network of industry experts and successful entrepreneurs. This valuable resource can provide insights, partnerships, and opportunities that are otherwise hard to come by.

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Is Simon the right coach for you?

One of the most compelling reasons to consider Simon Coulson as your online business coach is the multitude of success stories and testimonials from his students. Many of his mentees have gone on to build thriving online businesses, and their achievements serve as a testament to Simon’s coaching abilities.

These success stories often highlight the following aspects of Simon Coulson’s coaching:

Proven Strategies: Simon’s teachings are based on tried-and-true strategies that have consistently produced results. His students’ success is evidence of the effectiveness of his methods.

Ongoing Support: Simon and his team at The Internet Business School offer ongoing support to their students. This includes access to forums, live Q&A sessions, and updates on the latest industry trends.

Community and Networking: The Internet Business School community is a valuable asset for students. It provides a platform for networking, collaboration, and peer-to-peer learning, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Simon Coulson’s success stories and testimonials speak volumes about the effectiveness of his coaching, and his commitment to continuous learning ensures that his students are equipped with the latest strategies and insights. By choosing Simon Coulson as your mentor, you gain not only a coach but also a partner on your journey to online business success.

CLICK THE BUTTON TO Watch this FREE on demand training class from Simon to learn 20 Ways to Grow Your
Business Online.

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The training will include:

• The essential things you MUST have on your website for 2023

• How one of his businesses gets over 2 million views a month on YouTube and how you could too

• What sales funnels are and how you should use them, including FREE software you can use

• The new way for providing customer service, 24/7 for free

• How you can still get traffic for £0.01p a click RIGHT NOW from Google Ads

• A new factor that Google is using to rank webpages that you can massively use to leverage your own ranking

• How your business can ‘follow’ your customer around the internet with your own cost-effective paid ads

• How to spy on your competition and copy EVERYTHING they are doing

…. And much much more!

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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

Get Started – it’s free

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.”  

— Tony Robbins

Paul O’Mahony

In today’s digital age, the potential for building a successful online business using social media is vast, but it can also be overwhelming. Navigating the ever-changing landscape of online entrepreneurship requires guidance from a mentor who not only understands the intricacies of this domain but also has a proven track record of success. Paul O’Mahony, the founder of The ReThink Academy, is one such mentor who has been making waves in the world of online business.

Paul is a seasoned entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in building successful online businesses. His journey from humble beginnings to thriving online businesses serves as an inspiration and a testament to his deep understanding of the digital marketing world.

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Why I recommend Paul

What I love about Paul is that he doesn’t just teach theories; he imparts actionable insights based on real-world experiences. His transparency about his own successes and failures is invaluable for those looking to learn from someone who has been in the trenches.

The core of Paul’s coaching revolves around harnessing the power of social media for business growth. He has an exceptional grasp of various social media platforms and can guide individuals on how to effectively leverage them to reach their target audience and generate revenue.

Unlike many who focus solely on increasing social media followers, Paul emphasizes the importance of turning those followers into paying customers. His strategies are geared towards not just building a presence but also generating income.

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Is Paul the right coach for you?

Paul O’Mahony’s coaching is ideally suited for individuals who:

⦁ Are Serious About Success: If you’re tired of wasting time on social media without tangible results and are ready to turn your online presence into a profitable venture, Paul is the right coach for you.

⦁ Desire a Personalized Approach: Paul’s coaching is not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you prefer tailored guidance that aligns with your unique business goals and challenges, you’ll find immense value in his mentorship.

⦁ Seek Proven Strategies: If you want to learn from someone who has a proven track record of building profitable online businesses using social media, Paul’s insights and experiences are invaluable.

⦁ Are Committed to Continuous Growth: The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and Paul is committed to staying ahead of the curve. If you value staying current and adapting to changing trends, you’ll appreciate his dedication to ongoing learning.

⦁ Are Willing to Take Action: Paul’s coaching is action-oriented. If you’re ready to put in the work and implement the strategies he teaches, you’re more likely to see tangible results.

One size doesn’t fit all in the world of online business, and Paul understands this well. He customizes his coaching to suit the unique needs and goals of each client. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned entrepreneur, he will help you develop a personalized strategy for success.

If you’re serious about turning your online presence into a revenue-generating asset, Paul O’Mahony is a coach who can help you achieve your goals and redefine your online business success. Don’t waste any more time on social media; let Paul guide you on the path to profitability.


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LEARN HOW TO use the time you’re already spending on the internet to build a digital business in your spare time.
HOW TO get a product to sell if you don’t have one already and… how to get it for nothing.
THE EXACT STRATEGY Paul used to make his first million and quit his job permanently without a big budget, or any experience with social media.

Get Started – it’s free

I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

Get Started – it’s free

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.”  

— Michael Jordan

Robby Blanchard

Many entrepreneurs I speak to want to have a profitable and successful online business but, don’t have much experience, or any products to market yet.

So, if that’s you, I wanted to include a business coach that will provide you with not just the marketing training you need, but a proven business model as well, so that you can get started right away.

Robby Blanchard teaches a fully turnkey Affiliate Marketing system selling other people’s products, sourced from Clickbank, using Facebook advertising.

Using Blanchard’s system, you don’t need your own products to start. You also don’t need to have an email list or subscribers, and you don’t even need a website. All you need is a Facebook and Clickbank account, and a modest budget to fund your initial costs

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Why I recommend Robby

Robby Blanchard is a big deal in the world of Clickbank and Affiliate Marketing.

He is the top Clickbank affiliate in the world, generating over $10 million online in the last few years.
He also started to teach other people how to use his system, and his student have had some amazing results.

In 2021, Clickbank analysed a sample size of 1015 of Robby’s students.

They found those 1015 students generated $26 million in 12 months on their platform. The average student was making $26,000 using Robby’s system.
What was unusual about this group however, was that none of them were “online business experts”.

In fact, before that, they were just regular Clickbank users who had not made much money online.

Many of them had day jobs, or other commitments, and just did Clickbank on the side.

The other thing they all had in common of course, was that they were all students of Robby’s training course, Commission Hero.

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Is Robby the right coach for you?

Commission Hero teaches you how to choose products that have lucrative affiliate programs that pay commissions in the 50% or higher range.

How to make $1000 a day promoting information products that people are dying to use.

And how to use the power of Facebook to find huge pockets of untapped buyers.

You’ll learn why making $1000 a day is actually much easier to do than you might think, and just takes 3 steps. You don’t need any experience to have success with this system.

Robby came from the fitness niche and he also makes money promoting products and services related to dating and relationships.

So, his training teaches you how to create your own campaigns, and make money, in any niche you choose.
In terms of cost, Commission Hero costs a one-time fee of $997. That’s in line with similar products, and includes all the training modules and membership of a private coaching group.

A lot of what’s taught is invaluable for beginners, such as how to pick the right Clickbank offers to profit right away. And how to set up your landing pages so that they convert visitors into buyers.

More experienced online marketers can learn from Robby’s experience testing offers and images. And how to scale up once you have found a winning ad campaign.

There’s also a bundle of great bonuses, including templates and swipe files that have been proven to work.

If you think Commission Hero may be right for you, there is a free training class that explains the system in detail.


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I’ll also send you an AMAZING bundle of FREE Marketing Resources that includes:
⦁ FREE Weekly Group Coaching (Live coaching to keep up to date with the latest strategies that are working right now)
⦁ FREE 7 Day Video Training Course (Learn the insider marketing secrets that the top online marketers teach their students)
⦁ FREE 24 Hour Ranking System (Lifetime access to four module traffic course that shows the exact system myself and over 5000 other students use to get unlimited free traffic on Google and YouTube)
⦁ FREE $10k in 30 Days Blueprint (This blueprint reveals step-by-step how you can go from $0 to $10k in 30 days or less)
⦁ FREE Weekly Mindset Training (Learn the most powerful new techniques to let go of limiting beliefs, fears or self-esteem issues that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life)

Get Started – it’s free

“Formal education will make you a living but self-education will make you a fortune”   

— Jim Rohn

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